Permanent Ref No: 1573112 Qualification: Nearly / Newly Qualified, Part Qualified, Nearly / Newly Qualified, Part Qualified
Main Activities
  • Support the Actuarial function in the calculation of the Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR) for life and market risks using the Group internal model.
  • Contribute to the production of local regulatory submissions to the CBI via Pillar III Quantitative Reporting Templates (QRTs), internal model structured templates, the Regular Supervisory Report (RSR), the Solvency and Financial Condition Report (SFCR), the P&L Attribution Report and other company returns.
  • Support the Life and Capital Risk Managers in performing second line reviews of best estimate assumption updates and changes to the valuation model.
  • Collaborate on inter-connected topics with other risk sub-teams, i.e. the Capital, Financial, Operational and Enterprise Risk Management teams.
  • Play a key role in the production of the Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA).
  • Contribute to the Capital Management Plan process and determine the Company’s target level of capital and risk appetite limit.
  • Perform ongoing solvency monitoring and engage in regular communication to senior management on the Company’s solvency position.
  • Build knowledge of Solvency II internal model regulations and other regulatory developments impacting the risk and actuarial community.
  • Perform key internal model validation tests to ensure that the model remains appropriate for ours risk profile.
  • Perform local calibration studies to ensure that the internal model appropriately captures the Company’s risk profile and capital requirements.
  • Build relationships with key stakeholders in the Group, particularly the Group life risk team responsible for longevity risk modelling.
  • Support management on queries received from internal audit, external audit, the Group Internal Model Review team, and the CBI as required.
  • Assist the Financial Risk Management and Investment teams on the capital impact and appropriateness of the Strategic Asset Allocation.
  • Contribute to the review of the appropriateness of the Company’s existing reinsurance arrangements from a life risk perspective, particularly longevity risk, and engage with external reinsurers to ensure that the company remains adequately covered.
  • Prepare reports and key management information, on all the above activities, for the Assumptions, Model Change and Solvency II Committee,  Executive Committee, Board, Board Risk and Audit Committees.
Skills and Experience
A number of roles are available at different seniority levels. Generally, the Risk Analyst will gain first-hand experience of the below in their day-to-day tasks:
  • Knowledge of savings products and insurance-related life and market risks.
  • In particular, knowledge of mortality/longevity risk and the associated implications for variable annuity or similar retirement products.
  • Ability to understand and interpret the output of sophisticated cash flow modelling systems and reporting tools.
  • Knowledge of Solvency II regulatory requirements and the Solvency II balance sheet.
  • Knowledge of the Solvency II capital calculation, i.e., the Solvency Capital Requirement.
  • Technical concepts such as stochastic modelling, economic scenario generators and polynomial regression.
  • Knowledge of Python and/or R.
For further details, please contact [email protected] or +35316099404.

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Tagged as: Life Insurance, Risk