Actuarial Recruitment Dublin – What’s the Best Kind of Recruitment Firm for Actuaries?
When searching for an actuarial job, many actuaries will enlist the help of a recruitment firm. This option typically involves less stress, is less time-consuming, and has a high success rate. The question then arises - if you are an actuary in Dublin, what's the best kind of actuarial recruitment firm for you? First, it makes immense sense to be selective with the recruitment firm you entrust with your future actuarial career. This is a very significant point in your actuarial career. You shouldn't just choose any firm if you want to maximise your chances of a favourable result. Instead, [...]
Actuary Jobs Dublin – How to Land the Right One
It's challenging to land the right job, especially for specialised fields like actuarial science. However, do not despair. Whilst it may be difficult, it is not impossible to get an actuary job in Dublin, or further afield in Ireland, that meets your needs and wants. So, how do you make it happen? Know What the “Right Actuary Job” Means to You You need to start with yourself and lay the groundwork. First, define what the right actuarial job means to you. You need to make sure you truly know yourself so you understand what will make you happy and fulfilled [...]
Success in Finding an Actuarial Job in Dublin, Ireland
Acumen Resources have been in the business of successfully placing actuaries in actuarial jobs in Dublin and more widely in Ireland for over 25 years now. How time flies when you are having fun! Having been in the actuarial recruitment world for so long there are a few things we have learnt along the way. We would like to share some of these below. 1. Networking matters (especially in the actuarial job market world in Ireland) They say it’s often not what you know, but rather who you know. The “who you know” concept may seem almost impure. Yet, the [...]
Actuary Jobs: Consulting Contracts
The purpose of this role is to provide actuarial advisory services to Life (re)insurance organisations, banks and clients operating in other industries. Join our client's leading actuarial life insurance practice and apply your skills in projects reaching beyond traditional actuarial boundaries. You'll work with colleagues and clients in Consulting and Corporate Finance - exposing you to leading edge actuarial work in a strategic, commercial and business context. Here you'll develop an impressive range of broad consulting and technical skills that will allow you to fast track your career. Our practice has both breadth and technical depth which is increasingly important [...]
Head of Actuarial Function | General Insurance
Reporting to the CFO, the Head of Actuarial Function will be responsible for management of the company’s Actuarial support regarding all internal and external financial and regulatory reporting. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: • Working with local and foreign regulatory entities to ensure compliance with evolving regulatory regime, including: o Oversight for all Solvency II Pillar 3 reporting (e.g. QRT’s, SFCR, RSR) o Primary responsibility for Solvency II Pillar 1 valuations (e.g. technical provisions, SCR) o Contribution to Solvency II Pillar 2 compliance as guided by Risk Management (e.g. Risk Policies, Risk Appetite) o Other requirements of the [...]
Actuarial Jobs: Deputy Head of Projects
Our client requires a qualified life actuary as Deputy Head of Projects. The successful candidate will be strongly involved in the IFRS 17 project as well as a Finance transformation program and will be expected to establish him-/herself as a key driver of this project. The role will include: • Support of the project management of a major finance project which includes IFRS 17 alongside a finance transformation initiative and potentially take over full responsibility of this project; • Involvement in current and upcoming commercially driven actuarial projects; • Liaising with multiple business units, both locally and internationally; • Stakeholder [...]